The Intense Health Nutritional Consultation

The Nutritional Consultation is an essential part of the Intense Health journey. Not only will you learn the Intense Health way of eating, but also how and why we combine eating with proper exercise to optimise results. Intense Health fitness and nutrition solutions are so different than what you have previously seen in the fitness…

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Why Should I book a FREE Intense Health Consultation!

Intense Health Consultation  – You must experience to understand! Our consultation is built on the fact that the basic understanding of the stimulus of proper exercise is the most significantly important part of the process. Answering common questions from someone who is trying to find solutions in regards to improving general health, strength, weight loss, energy levels…

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Fit3D Body Scan for Great Results

In just 40 seconds the Intense Health Fit 3D body scan provides you with an unprecedented level of information about your body. We will use this information to formulate your customised eating plan and exercise program. You will be able to view your data on your device and following your monthly scan view side by…

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The Perfect Human Diet

The Perfect Human Diet is the unprecedented global exploration for a solution to our epidemic of overweight, obesity and diet-related diseases – the #1 killer in the world This film, by broadcast journalist C.J. Hunt, bypasses current dietary group-think by exploring modern dietary science, previous historical findings, ancestral native diets and the emerging field of…

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Human fat is something which one would marvel if only they knew its true power and mystery but alas! For many of them, they are only an object of angst, scorn and torment. But for one instance, let us just look at them through different eyes. And I don’t mean to look at them as…

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