Not many know this, but it is something that needs to be remembered is that taking in low carbohydrates than the usual amount may lead to various problems – loss of weight, heart disease and diabetes. This is because carbohydrates are known to raise the levels of the blood sugar which not only triggers a hormonal cascade but also influences appetite, mood, fat storage, along with posing many health factors. Not only that but recent research studies have also shown that various skin conditions (acne and psoriasis) are linked to metabolic conditions of health.

However, it is quite interesting to know that various recent studies have associated the skin conditions of skin with that of diet and genetics. Psoriasis has been linked to that of diseases of carbohydrates metabolism (such as diabetes and cardio-metabolic conditions through immune-inflammatory pathways along with diet and other environmental factors.

The above had been found out from a recent study (population based) of about Danish twins (34, 000; aged 20 to 71 years of age) and who had completed a questionnaire related to BMI, type 2 diabetes (diagnosed) and psoriasis.

In fact, the association was so strong that the weight of evidence which was linked from psoriasis to disease (cardio-metabolic) had continued to increase and as a result of that, it had gone in favour of changing clinical practice in dermatology.

Studies on acne too had been done and from there, it had been found out that acne is pretty much non-existent in those people in which refined sugars, grains, milk and dairy products are not a part of their diet. It had been found out that the production of sebum as well as the intensity of acne is increased by high glycemic diets. Another acne study also showed that the size of the sebaceous glands had been reduced as well as the reduction in inflammation as a result of low glycemic diet.

But despite the various studies out there, the focus had been given on accepting those diets that reduce inflammation along with maintaining a normal glycemic diet to circumvent the spikes in insulin. It is recommended that a balanced meal that is healthy and which reduces carbohydrates is the best available way to treat and prevent the conditions of the skin and the many conditions that affect us.


Marcelo is the co-founder and Director of Exercise Physiology at Intense Health, Perth's #1 Private Strength Training and Nutrition Clinics.


Marcelo is the co-founder and Director of Exercise Physiology at Intense Health, Perth's #1 Private Strength Training and Nutrition Clinics.